Saturday, July 10, 2010

More about Obedience Training with Jack

Positive Obedience Training Rules
I want to take a moment to share some of the rules I use when training with Jack. When I call them rules it does not mean to say that they are set in stone. I strongly believe that each dog is different. Not to mention each trainer will be unique. I am simply passing along an outline of rules that can be helpful for success.

  • MAKE LEARNING FUN ! If your dog is having fun he will learn enthusiastically
  • Avoid training when you or your dog are over heated, ill, or hurt. This will only lead to frustration.
  • When it comes to dog training be a quitter. If you or your dog are having an off day just call it quits for the day. Tomorrow will be so much better. This is not to say quit all together just for that session.
  • If your dog is having trouble with a specific task take a step back and try teaching it in smaller steps.
  • Keep sessions short and sweet. About 15 min is a good session length for most dogs.
  • Remember to Guide not Force your dog. The general rule is if your dog is thinking about resisting he is probably not learning.
  • If you give you dog a chance to work things out on its own you will get to see just how smart he is.
  • Last but not least remember that your dog has not read the rules.

Jack Just A Baby

Jack Just A Baby
Jack has Magical Eyes


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